How to choose a first aid kit for your workplace

What factors should you consider when choosing a first aid kit for your workplace?

Size and location of your workplace.

“The ideal first aid kit should be selected based on the number of people it will be used to treat. You will need a larger first aid kit with more supplies if there are more people, such as the Unedit Supplies Portable First Aid Kit serving up to 50 employees/visitors. First aid kits should also be sized appropriately for the people they are intended to serve, such as children, the elderly, or workers with a known disability or health problem.” , says Glen.

The location of your workplace is also important in determining what first aid kit items are needed. “Think about how long it takes for emergency services to get to your workplace or how far away the nearest hospital is. In remote workplaces, common hazards such as eye injuries and breathing in infectious materials they may require additional medical equipment,” suggests Glen.

“If your workplace is comprehensive, or if work is being done in different areas of the site, it may be necessary to centralize first aid facilities and provide first aid kits in each work area. Portable first aid kits, such as the Uneedit Work Vehicle First Aid Kit, may be required for workers who drive to work off-site.

Type of workplace.

According to Glen, there are a few factors to consider when selecting the right first aid kit, one of which is the nature of your job. “Are there certain chemicals present in your workplace? Does your work environment handle flammable liquids? Identifying the potential hazards in your specific workplace can help you determine what type of kit is right for your workplace. For example, snake bite kits are great for remote jobsites during the warmer months of the year,” recommends Glen.

Determination of the level of risk.

“A risk assessment should be used to determine the contents of first aid kits. Workers who operate machinery and equipment, for example, are more likely to be injured and may require different medical treatment than workers who ‘office,’ Glen explains.

Glen says: “A good tip is to use your existing safety records to help decide your first aid kit requirements.”

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