Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special episode 2 live stream: how to watch Wild Blue Yonder for free online

Watch Doctor Who episode 2

Episode 2 of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials – titled Wild Blue Yonder – airs on Saturday, December 2. Travelling abroad? You can use a VPN to watch the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials on iPlayer from anywhere. Full details on the Doctor Who specials and how to watch them where you are, below.

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special Ep 2 preview

The Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials continue with the second instalment – Wild Blue Yonder. In the first of the new episodes, we saw David Tennant’s Doctor return in the central role. He is, in fact, depicting the 14th Doctor, not returning as the 10th. Fans get to see sidekick Donna Noble too, once again played by Catherine Tate.